Inch by Inch, Growing in Life

Inch by Inch, Growing in Life

Today ‘Inch by Inch, Growing in Life’ is available on Amazon for purchase! To buy go to

Thirty authors have come together to talk about challenges that they had and overcame as children or challenges their children have had and successfully overcome. Aime Hutton, the compiler and an author, wanted to get this book out into the world to give families hope, inspiration, and guidance in their challenges. She was born pre-mature and her parents weren’t sure if she was going to survive. Aime not only survived but also has thrived and is helping others to become empowered in their lives and live them to the fullest!

I am one of the contributing authors myself and my chapter is about growing up and learning about my sensitivities. I am grateful to have the abilities I have today, as they have led me into my career as a healer and animal communicator, however, the journey was a great learning experience!

Buy your copy today and learn how we all can grow in life, inch by inch!